
The infrastructure of the Belarusian station “Mount Vechernyaya” is located on the on the coast of the Sea of Аstronauts, territory of the Tala Hills oasis, Enderby Land in East Antarctica.

Coordinates of the “Vechernyaya Mountain” station: 67 ° 39 ′ 35 ″ south latitude, 46 ° 09 ′ 18 ″ east longitude

The nearest Russian station “Molodezhnaya” is 25 kilometers away.

Station infrastructure

The first stage of the station includes:

three-section control, communication
and navigation module
  includes service and living section,  section of control, communication and
and laboratory and living section;

eight-section service and living module includes two laboratory-living sections, two residential sections, technological section, two sections for household and sanitary purposes and outpatient surgical hospital.

Power complex of the station

The operation of the station is provided
by a complex of diesel generators of various
capacities The following diesel generators are used:

two diesel generators with a capacity
of 100 kW each
, one diesel generator 60 kW, one diesel generator 20 kW, module (section) of the device for automatic input and distribution of electricity from
the repair shop.

As additional sources of electricity, there
are two standby power generators

with a capacity of 7 and 6 kW.

Other technological and auxiliary facilities

The structure of the first stage of the infrastructure also includes other technological and auxiliary facilities and structures:

container-type garage-repair boxes for snow vehicles,  warehouses on the basis of 20-foot cargo container, 10 foot container type refrigerator,  13 m3 stationary tank for diesel fuel stocks storage, waste incineration plant and etc.


Means of communication

To transmit information and contacts with the outside world, the BAE participants have at their disposal three satellite communication terminals of the INMARSAT system and two satellite telephones of the IRIDIUM system.

During the 2020–2021 season at the station a satellite communication system VSAT was put into exploration.

For communication with aircrafts, the BAE has at its disposal mobile and stationary ultrashort wave (USW) ICOM radio stations.


Transport support

For trips to the routes for the purpose of scientific research and ground transport operations outside the station, Belarusian specialists have at their disposal four LYNX snowmobiles (Finland), tracked quad bike OUTLANDER “APACHE” (Canada) and tracked snow and swamp vehicle BOBR (Russia)